visitor's guide for Lynchburg, Virginia
Living in Lynchburg, VA is great! Here's some things to help you discover Lynchburg while you visit! If you want to learn more about Lynchburg, Virginia and the surrounding area check out our About Lynchburg page.
Lynchburg is a quiet city that's nestled between the Blue Ridge Mountains and the James River. Boasting the combination of Southern charm, relative isolation, and diverse people moving to town, Lynchburg has a unique atmosphere. The multiple colleges and low cost of living attract the young and the young at heart.
Lynchburg's population is approximately 80,000, but including the neighboring communities it is around 250,000.
The cost of living is about 91% of the national average.
There are a full four seasons in Lynchburg. Summers are relatively warm and humid, with winters being much shorter and warmer than in the northeast.
If you want to learn more about Lynchburg and the surrounding area check out our About Lynchburg page. For more statistics regarding Lynchburg, VA check out our infographic. If you're moving to Lynchburg, make sure you check out our Moving Guide for all the information you'll need for your move!